- New 4 lane highway to join SR162 by a roundabout
- Adds 1000 cars per peak hour
- 30,000 more vehicles per day
- Currently at peak capacity
- Commute hours to extend
- #4 in State for collisions
- WSDOT Roundabouts?
- WSDOT has no funding SR162 improvements
- How YOU can help
- Threat to valley rural character
- New highway light pollution
- Roundabouts are paved circles
- Farmland threatened by more traffic
- Traffic noise pollution
- Gridlocked traffic does not feel rural
- Is Community Plan being ignored?
- Alderton/McMillin Community Plan
- Emergency services restricted
- Highway access & egress
- Roundabout dangers
- Accident Increases
- School childrens dangers
- Threat to farming
- Evacuation issues
- How YOU can help
- Traffic flow solutions
- Access and Egress solutions
- Emergency shoulder solutions
- School children's safety solutions
- SR410/SR162 interchange solutions
- Valley lahar evacuation solution
- Major trucking corridor
- Business access & egress
- Farm to Market Corridor
- Seasonal business restriction
- Congestion impacts sales
- How YOU can help
- Easy Letter Writing Campaign
- Email your concerns/support
- Call your legislators office
- Spread the word
- Follow SWAY
- Follow Orting Blog
- How you can help!